The State of Alabama lost a trailblazing political leader and educator this December. Dr. Yvonne Kennedy was an educator, former college president, state legislator, civic and organizational leader. Among the first wave of Black political leaders to reap the benefits of civil rights activism in Alabama, Dr. Kennedy was first elected to the Alabama state house to represent the city of Mobile in 1979. In addition to her political office, she served as the president of Bishop State Community College in Mobile. Dr. Kennedy held many titles and positions, but I am sure that serving as the 19th National President of her beloved Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was among her top honors. Dr. Kennedy was on her way out of office when I was initiated into the same sisterhood. It was an honor for me to come into the sisterhood circle during the presidency of a fellow Alabamian.
Since Dr. Kennedy wore many hats, I could have made this a very long tribute. I decided, however, to allow her friend, self-described "homegirl," sorority sister, and fellow public servant, the
Honorable Alexis Herman, to do the honors. I placed the video of former Secretary Herman's tribute to Dr. Kennedy above this post.
Links to other tributes to Dr. Yvonne Kennedy: